Friday, November 11, 2005

Paph Julius

Recovered one of my "lost" photos from earlier this year. This would have flowered for me around May of this year.

Paph Julius is a primary hybrid between rothschildianum and lowii. While the lighting on this particular shot isn't very good (someone took a picture of it for me since I had it in my office at work), plus this is a scan of a photograph, the color of the flowers are very bright. While the flower size is just a bit below award-size, I'm hoping that future flowerings will be even better.

Phal Everspring King X Dtps Palm Rose - King Hsing Beauty 'OX'

I actually haven't flowered this one (yet). And it's my intent only to take pics and post them of ones that I have actually flowered. But this is an exception. I was fortunate enough to get a stem prop from Taiwan earlier this year of this particular plant. It is still really tiny, and definitely a couple of years away from flowering. It is the most expensive orchid I have ever purchased -- so hopefully it won't go and die on me.

Anyway, I am SO looking forward to flower this plant. I'm wondering how many other people in North America have it (if any). For now, I just have to enjoy the pic and make sure I take care of it properly.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Paph Bill Werntz

Paphiopedilum Bill Werntz is a cross between an awarded Greyii and an awarded Psyche. Actually have about 5 or so of these and they are all more or less the same with very little variation. This particular flower is quite nice -- but just a little smaller than the awarded ones. I think all these siblings have nearly all flowered for me with 2 flowers at a time on the same stem, so it is nice to get that type of flower production from a small little plant.

Once you get them past that initial small seedling stage, they almost seem indestructable, albeit slow growing. They can really withstand the media getting quite dry for as long as a week or more, which makes sense because of the brachypetalum genes. However, they don't seem to become specimen plants, as they don't throw off multiple growths from the main growth.

A horrible pic here -- but a nice flower.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Phal Nobby's Shadowy ' Nobby' BM/JGP

Just recently got this plant -- and I discovered it was in spike after unpacking it. This is a cross between Golden Peoker and Nobby's Fox. I actually had this same mericlone about 8 months ago -- and it somehow died on me a month or so back, so I was glad to find out my source still had it available.

Only three buds on its first flowering. So hopefully it will be more impressive as it matures.